An E-collar is a collar that delivers electric shocks or vibrations to train dogs at a distance. Some people swear by it; others loathe it. In some countries, it is even banned.

Using an E-collar requires knowledge, experience and training. It is not a panacea for every situation and can be harmful if used incorrectly. Knowing how to set the correct intensity, timing and frequency of the signals is essential.
Unfortunately, there are many dog trainers who abuse or mislead the E-collar. They use it as an easy way to correct or control dogs. They sell it as part of their training package without considering the dog's welfare.
An E-collar can be a useful tool if used properly. It can help reinforce desired behavior and reduce unwanted behavior. But it is important to find a reliable and qualified dog trainer who will use the E-collar responsibly and respectfully.
Case study.
A shocking story that shows how even the "latest method" of exclusively positive training techniques can lead to life-threatening situations. When a Malinois shepherd they bred was returned to its owners,who trained only positively, the dog had become so aggressive that putting it to sleep seemed the only option. But thanks to the E-Collar, the dog could still be saved.
Although some people oppose the E-Collar, it proved to be a lifesaver in this case. By remotely correcting the dog with a light tingle, the trainer was able to safely interact with the dog without disrupting the human-dog link. It required much creativity and effort to get the dog under control, but the E-Collar was a useful tool in this regard on a low setting for support.
Let this story be a reminder that there is no "one size fits all" approach to dog training and that it is important to consider all tools to ensure the dog's well-being.
Unfortunately, there are dog trainers who do not see the usefulness of the E-collar. The problem is that they don't even offer a solution for difficult cases, i.e. put to sleep is the solution. That is called animal friendly, the upside down world, do you still understand ?
Why is the E-Collar controversial to some ?
The E-Collar is a controversial dog training device that can deliver electric shocks to the dog's collar. Some people claim that the E-Collar is effective and humane when used correctly, while others see it as a form of animal cruelty. It is important to know the pros and cons of the E-Collar and understand how it works.
An advantage of the E-Collar is that it can correct or reward the dog from a distance, without the dog making a direct link to the trainer. This can be useful for teaching commands or preventing unwanted behavior. One disadvantage of the E-Collar is that if used incorrectly, it can hurt the dog and cause fear or aggression. The problem often lies with the trainer, who does not know how to properly set up and apply the E-Collar.
Much scientific research has been done on the effects of the E-Collar on dog welfare and behavior. Some studies, often funded by organizations opposed to the E-Collar, show that the E-Collar can cause stress and anxiety in dogs, which can be seen in their body language (e.g., ears flat, tail down).
Other studies and the many practical examples, show that the E-Collar has no negative impact on the dog when used at a low intensity and in combination with rewards (e.g. tail up, ears straight). Thus, it is difficult to give an unequivocal answer as to whether the E-Collar is good or bad for dogs.
Banning the E-Collar is one possible measure to prevent animal cruelty, but it does not solve the real problem: the lack of knowledge and skills among some trainers. A better solution would be to require people to take training or courses before they are allowed to keep a dog or use an E-Collar. There should also be more education about alternative training methods that do not use electric shocks. This way we can ensure that dogs are trained in a respectful and responsible manner.
Note in some cases an E-collar may be the only solution, if used correctly.
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Why have us train you?
Individual counseling
We begin with a 1 on 1 training session with you and your dog and look at which method is most appropriate.
You are at a loss for words ?
In a boot camp, your dog stays with us for 1-2 weeks and we work towards the desired behavior.
Small group classes
Small groups of 2-6 people where you train with others.